سامانه مراقبت از خانواده (SFP) نام یک نرم افزار موبایل با نصب و فعالسازی بسیار ساده می باشد که به والدین امکان کنترل و مدیریت فعالیت فرزندان در شبکه های مجازی موبایلی را می دهد.
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One of the possibilities offered by Telegram for channel managers is the ability to put polls on the channel. By Using Telegram pollbot feature, you will be able to poll in the channel that you manage with a specific topic from your channel members and see the statistics. These polls can be very effective in adjusting your channel policies to increase the number of channel membranes. To this end, we are going to provide a tutorial on how to place a poll in the Telegram Channel so that you can attract more visitors to your channel with this opportunity.
If you manage a telegram channel, you will certainly face a lot of challenges. One of the most important of these concerns is to know what the current members of our channel are, what content they are attracted to and what content should be used to attract more audiences. This is very important in the channels that are publishing attractive content and should be given special attention. Today there are more than 100,000 channels of telegrams, many of which are Persian-speaking, with more than 10,000 members. If you also like to have a very popular channel and add to your membership number every day, you should have all the facilities available to you, make the most of your use.
One way to increase the number of channel contacts, as well as creating current audience satisfaction and knowing which content will receive more positive feedback, is to create a channel poll. Using channel polling, you can easily understand what your audience is interested in and, on the other hand, make sure your audience is able to interact with the channel’s content orientation. . In addition to this, you can also comment on other things. Items such as the likes of a specific movie, song or image, and more. All of this makes it easier for you to keep your audience happy and challenge them.
How to put a Poll on a Telegram Channel with Telegram pollBot
One of the easiest and most used methods for creating a poll in the channel is the use of robots designed exclusively for this purpose, and their work is to place polls on the channels. By using these Telegram pollbots, each with a huge number of features, you can easily design a survey on your channel and then see the statistics. Here are some examples of these robots that you can use to create a poll on your channel.
How to use @Vote pollBot
To use the @vote poll, you can directly insert it directly into your telegram and either connect it to the robot via the link to the poll robot and use it. Once you have connected the poll to the robot on the channel, click Start to start the conversation with the robot. The steps to do this are as follows:
First, select the Start option shown in the figure until you have started the first stage of creating a poll in the robot.
In the second step, you will be asked to write down the topic you want to create a survey about. For example, here we try to put a poll on the content presented in the channel, which you can see in the red box.
In the next step, we are asked to put your answers to the question raised. We are going to use the three “Yes, No, I do not know” options so our Channel users can choose their answer using these three options.
You can use the option marked with the red box to complete the process of creating options. Also, by typing done / you can also end the poll options.
By clicking on the option specified in the previous step, your poll will be created with the shape and image you see above. Now, to put a poll on your telegram channel, you can use it to add channels to your channel.
At the final stage and after the channel, you will see that polls are created on the channel, and users can easily participate in this poll by selecting any option. You can also see the number of votes obtained for each option in a straightforward and percentage manner.
As noted above, there are many more robots in the field and the design of polling messages on the channel, which you can take advantage of. In the end, we are asking for an interest in this topic, so if you know more robots and more resources for designing a poll in the telegram channel, others will be able to make the most of this topic
Notice that if you want to use this poll bot on your group you should be aware that members of your group can close the poll without your permission and its an vulnerability in Telegram vote bot that we hope to don’t see it in future