One of the most functional features in the Telegram is the ability to add stickers and masks to photos on Telegram messenger. Thus, without the need for an intermediary program, we can easily edit the images as quickly as possible and add various stickers to it, then send it to others, or put it as your profile picture. In the following, we are going to explain more about this feature to the enthusiasts and generally show how can add stickers to photos on Telegram .
How to add stickers to photos on Telegram
To add stickers to photos on Telegram , we first need to download the latest Telegram update. In general, there is a definite way to put stickers on the images for both the profile pictures and the typical images that we intend to send to others. In this method, first select the image from the gallery of your phone or using the phone camera, and then use the image editing option and then select the option to add stickers to photos on Telegram . Let’s face it. Adding masks to the image is an interesting point that in the Telegram, such as Instagram, the ability to add masks works smartly and automatically detects the face and inserts the mask onto it automatically.
With this feature you can make your images more attractive and beautiful, and then put them on your profile or send them to others. In what following, we have provided a series of steps to add stickers to photos on Telegram so you can take advantage of the charm and features of the Telegram for the beauty of your images.
- Open your Telegram app in your phone and then go to the sending photos to others section, or change your profile picture.
- Select an Image of your gallery and tap on the editing option that is likely an brush in the bottom of screen.
- Choose the option to add stickers to photos on Telegram , which is shown in the form of a smiley at the bottom of the screen.
- From the top menu, select the mask pack that you want to add to the image.
- You can also use the stickers option in the upper and the left side of the screen, to use your saved Telegram stickers that you want to add.
add stickers to photos on Telegram steps
You can simultaneously select several different stickers and masks for an image and apply it all together. In addition, the Telegram has the ability to edit the size of the mask or sticker so that you can professionally add your mask or sticker to the image. Steps to do this, are shown in the image above.