In the preceding post, we mentioned a way to unblock yourself on Telegram, which required you to delete your telegram account and register again in the Telegram. But the problem that we may face following the removal of the Telegram account is that all the information and channels and the groups as well as the messages we have had will be deleted. To solve this problem, it’s good idea to transfer data to another number before deleting an account, and then log in to the account. We will continue to show how to change Telegram phone number to have your chats and other data in another phone number.
Change Telegram Phone Number To Transfer Data To Another Phone Number
To do this, first go to your Telegram application settings section.
In the Info section, click on your phone number.
Change Telegram Phone Number Using It’s Application
In this section, you will see a message telling you all of your Telegram account data will be transferred to a new phone number. Click the Change Number button. In the message that appears,then click OK.
Notices About Changing Your Telegram Phone Number
To make the transfer to another phone number, at this point, enter your desired phone number along with the country code, ie +98, and then click the check mark above the message window.
Entering new phone number in Telegram application
At the end, for your new number, a message will be sent containing a code. Copy that code and place it in the field you can see in above picture.
After completing the steps above, your entire account will be transferred to the new phone number.
Remember that this action will delete all data from your current account and save everything on the new phone number. After doing so, you can re-enter your previous number with the same steps so that all data is transferred to the same number again.