Telegram channels is a very useful and popular abilities on Telegram app that lets you publish your favorite content to your channel subscribers, like a media. Many channel managers have been able to attract many audiences and become to a big channels of Telegram. It’s very simple to create Telegram channel and it’s only possible through a few clicks in the Telegram application. But how to turn your channel into a useful and popular channel is sometimes difficult and costly. In what follows we intend to provide to show you how to create Telegram channel and how to increase your members to become a popular Telegram channel.
Differences between Telegram channel and group
As noted, Telegram channel, like a television or radio channel, is considered a medium and, given the large number of its contacts, can be even more popular than some television channels. A Telegram channel is in fact a group of many people and administrators in which they publish and view various content and read them. Telegram groups consist of two types of channels and groups. The difference between the group and the channel is that in the group all members can publish their own content and interact with each other. In fact, when a member issues a piece in the group, all other members of the group are able to observe and comment on it. But on the channel, only administrators have the ability to publish content and posts, and the rest of the members only have the ability to view or forward them to others.
Telegram channels can attract up to more than one million people
In fact, this is why the name of the channel is considered for this feature. Same as a TV channel, which only managers and channel employees can publish content, in the Telegram channels only administrators can publish content. Another difference between the Telegram channel and the Telegram group is that the number of members of a group is limited, so at the latest Telegram update, the maximum capacity provided for the super groups is 100,000 members. But the number of channel members has no limits, and a Telegram channel can have up to millions of subscribers.
Another difference between the channel and the group in the Telegram app, is that in the group, you as a member of the group are able to view the rest of the members and access their profiles. In fact, in a Telegram group, you can freely explore the other members of the group and access other members’ IDs and you can send a message to any member you want. While there is no such thing in the Telegram channel and no member can view the other members of the channel IDs or profiles, unless they are channel administrators.
Create Telegram channel
As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, creation Telegram channel is very simple and does not require much knowledge. But what is important in the Telegram channel management is how to increase the members of the channel. In this section, we will teach you how to create Telegram channel , which can help you quickly build a channel. To create Telegram channel, we will do the following instructions:
- First, use the icon on the upper left of the screen in the Telegram app, which looks like three parallel lines, and then select the New Channel button.
- On the next step, select a name for your channel, and in the next section, note a brief description of your channel. This description can be an explanation of the content of your channel or information about yourself. Then click on the tick in the top right and go to the next step.
Create Telegram channel and select a name for it
- At this point, you are asked that what kind of channel you want to create, public or private? There are differences between a public channel and private channel. In the private channel, only individuals can join that are directly connected to the channel’s ID. In public channels, people can join it by simply clicking channel name. After selecting the type of channel, you can create a unique link to your channel through the link section on the same page so that people can reach your channel through it. It’s very important to choose a link for the Telegram channel and it is recommended to consider a link to make it more interesting for your channel.
- After this step, your contact list will be displayed to you. now you can add some of your contacts to your channel by default. After this step, your channel will be created with the number of members you selected from your contact list, and you can then post your content to your channel. in this step you successed to create Telegram channel.
Steps of create Telegram channel
By using the steps above, you could create Telegram channel and publish content there. You can also go to the Telegram channel management tutorial to learn how to manage the channel and select admins by link above. Due to the recent updates of the Telegram on the features of the channel management, many features are provided, which is recommended to be sure to refer to similar content in this area.
Telegram channel usage
Create Telegram channels have many usages. The number of channels in the Telegram messenger is so high and every day its number is added. These channels have different content. From news channels to entertainment channels and downloading movies or musics. Some Telegram channels have more than millions of members and have dozens of administrators and admins for timely release of content. But what exactly is the benefit of a Telegram channel for its executives who are willing to spend a long time preparing and publishing the content?
The Telegram channels is generally designed and built for three purposes: the advertising, entertainment, and the purpose of informing. In terms of advertising, a channel manager is creating a channel that provides information about their products and services, and alerts users about their product or service features. In terms of entertainment, just a channel manager of the Telegram, creates entertainment content and images or jokes and thus attracts the audience. In the aspect of information, the channel manager, using useful news coverage, is trying to attract the audience and get members.
Using Telegram channels, advertising revenue can be achieved
What is important in discussing the use of a Telegram channel is the ability to capture advertising and make money through Telegram. By increasing the number of your channel subscribes, you can have good feedback from your ads and advertise with other companies. These ads can be set up for a month or even a day, and get paid for it. Nowadays, due to the fact that more people spend their time on social networks and in particular Telegram, advertising can be achieved through advertising through Telegram. But it should also be remembered that this requires a lot of time and patience, and the channels that have been able to achieve huge amounts of money through it have been busy publishing for years.