The accessibility of the Telegram API has led companies and individuals to make unofficial versions of this popular app and offer their users. But what makes a lot of users of the Telegram use these unofficial versions instead of the original Telegram, is possibility to use more experimental features of these programs compared to the origin. One of the famous examples of these versions is the Telegram Plus app, one of the most popular unofficial versions of the Telegram, and has attracted so many users. But since unofficial versions are not usually approved by the main Telegram founder (Pavel Dorov), there are sometimes uncertainties and concerns about using them. The Challegram app, designed exclusively for iOS, has just released its Android version with the official name Telegram X, which has Pavel Dorov’s approvment and has some cool features. In what foolows, we going to provide a link to download Telegram X and explore its features and provide more information about this version of the Telegram.
What is Telegram X and what are its features?
As mentioned, Telegram X is an unofficial version of the Telegram that has all the features in the official Telegram, and in addition has a number of additional features and options. The main feature of the Telegram X is the higher speed and more smooth than main Telegram. Telegram X is even faster than the original Telegram, which is one of the strengths of the app.
Screenshots of the Telegram X in the night mode
The simplicity of designing and changing in some of the options, in Telegram X , has made the application much smoother than the original Telegram. This can be especially appreciated when working with stickers, Gifs and animations, because their loading speed will be much higher than the original Telegram. Also, by holding your finger on a chat, you can display it as a pop-up page at the top of the screen and have the power of chatting with many people at the same time.
Another feature included in Telegram X is the ability to display text in larger and more readability in posts. It also has the ability to categorize downloaded files, which is a very practical way to manage downloaded files. Here’s a list of some of the most important features that you can obtain with download Telegram X .
- Provides optimal security and user information protection
- Self destructing messages
- Ability to send unlimited multimedia files (Send video with over 1 GB size)
- Work on even the weakest mobile connections
- Very high speed in sending and receiving messages
- Multi-platform capabilities and support for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux and the web version
- Has all the features of Telegram, including location sending, custom notifications, support for Gifs and stickers, etc.
- Manage Multiple Accounts
- Live Location
- Changing in Animations
- Reorder Pinned Messages
- Image Preview in Notifications
- Added more themes
- Preview Stickers and Gifs before sending
Whats New in the latest Update
- Updated TDLib
- List of occupied public links when limit reached in manage channel / manage supergroup
- Search among restricted and banned members in supergroups and channels
- After converting group to the supergroup, tap upgrade message to view an old chat history
- Members in channels are now located in Manage Channel – Members.
- Improve performance
- Bugs fixed
Download Telegram X New Update
This version of the Telegram is one of the best unofficial versions in the official app stores, such as Google Play and iTunes, which many users have downloaded so far. Earlier, Telegram X was only available for iPhone, but with the latest update of the app, Android users can also use this application. Enthusiasts to download Telegram X for Android or iOS can be download this app through the links provided below and download the approved unofficial version of the Telegram.
Download Telegram X for Android and iPhone via the links provided above.