Telegram groups and channels are one of the most attractive capabilities that users of the Telegram can use of it. Users who subscribe to Telegram groups can easily talk to each other in a Group chat and send any kind of files to each other. Each group can have up to 200 members in the Telegram. Of course, if you upgrade the group to a Super Group, this number can rise to 100,000. Membership in different groups can be applied. However, we may have deliberately or inadvertently been removed from the group in some cases and now we are going to return to it. To return to group on Telegram messenger, there is a trick , which we will show you in the rest of context.
How to return to group on Telegram
Removing or leaving from group, in two way is possible. First, you have to leave the group and clear it, and secondly, the group manager has blocked you and banned from group! In the second method, there will be no way to return to group on Telegram . The only way to be able to somehow hope to rejoin to group on Telegram is to make an Telegram account with another number and other IDs in the Telegram or Mobogram, and then ask from one of the subscribers in the group again, to add you to the group or use the group invite link to join to the group.
But in the first case, if you intentionally or inadvertently delete and leave the group, there is a simple trick to return to group on Telegram that is applicable to both the Mobogram and Telegram applications. To do this, we will do the following instructions:
- First, login to the Telegram Web version by via Telegram website.
- Enter your account information and after receiving the message containing the authentication code, enter it in the relevant section on the website.
- Scroll to your chat list and find the group that you have deleted.
- Click the group name and select “Return to group“.
to return to group on Telegram just select the specified option on the image
With just this few simple steps, either on the Telegram or on the Mobogram, you will simply be able to return to your deleted groups.