It may have come to you that you were looking for a particular topic in the telegram, but there is nothing for you. Finally, after a few minutes of looking for that topic and not finding the desired item, you will search it on Google. But in what following, we intend to introduce a method in which a Telegram bot simply searches for your text in all the channels of the telegram. With this bot, you will be able to perform a search on Telegram on all channels, whether you are a member or a non-member, exactly like Google’s search engine.
Search on Telegram with MySkeckBot
Working with this bot is very simple and can only in a few seconds, display the results that you looking for it on telegram. The bot is roughly like Google’s search engine, and it performs a search on telegram in all the channels of the telegram. To work with this bot, just follow the steps below. Keep in mind that the bot on each page only shows you 10 results and to see more results, you need to go to the next pages through the option at the bottom of the chat page. With this search bot, the search function is very streamlined and you can easily access what you want to know about it without the need for Google.
Steps to search on Telegram
Enter the phrase @MySeekerBot in the Telegram search bar.
Click the bot that appears below the search box.
After entering the bot chat page, click the Start button.
How to search on Telegram
After you click on the Start button, you will be asked if you would like to search in the English pages or in Persian pages.
Select the language you want and click on the search options that are displayed to start the search on Telegram.
Now you can easily search your phrase in three words. You can use Advanced Search to search for more. Also, by choosing the option “Buzz me”, you will be able to get it whenever the subject is published in conjunction with your phrase. From the other capabilities of this bot, I want see … that you can see the top 10 posts of the telegram channels using it. In the past we also introduced a bot to receive email through a telegram, which is very functional.