In the latest update of Telegram 4.5.0, we see a series of changes that can be very useful and interesting for many users of this popular messaging app. We’ve probably all heard about the main founder of Telegram tweets about the new update of the messaging app, which brought a new update to the app. In this article, we are going to present some tips on the new features of the telegram, along with the latest update and update of Telegram 4.5.0.
Features of Telegram Update 4.5.0
As you know, Telegram founder Paul Dwarf, in its latest tweets, promised that the app will come with a great update and will also be synchronized with the iPhone 4’s display. In this way, those 10+ users who want to use the telegram can use the updated version of this app on their mobile phones and run this application easily and without problems on their iPhones. In addition to syncing, a number of features and features have also been added to the telegram, which we will continue to review.
Group voice calling
From now on, you can make a voice conversation between yourself and your friends using the group voice calling feature. In this way, you can create a contact group by selecting the number of people you want and setting up a group-based voice call. This way, you can converse with your friends at no charge. Of course, since the voice telephony capability in Iran is blocked, it seems that this feature will not be used in our country.
Emoji updates
In the latest update of Telegram 4.5.0, we see changes to the emoji used in this app. In addition to the fact that some emoji have been added to the list of telegram’s emoji, some emoji have also been modified and are much more beautiful than before.
Ability to send video and photo albums in a message
One of the best and most interesting features after group calling in the Telegram 4.5.0 update is the ability to send video and photo albums in a message. Previously, we saw this feature on Instagram, so we could share a few images or videos in a post on your page. Now, the telegram has also provided the ability to use it as a message to publish a number of pictures and videos as an album.
Change in music player
In the previous update of the telegram, we also saw changes in the internal music player, which resulted in the optimization of the app and increased speed of audio playback. In the latest update of Telegram 4.5.0, we also see positive changes in the music player of the telegram, which has made it more efficient and more efficient.
Added the Saved Messages directory
One of the other changes we see in the update to Telegram 4.5.0 is the addition of a folder for stored messages called Saved Messages. Using this method, we will be able to select the messages we want to store and move them to our saved messages folder.
Search the Telegram more efficiently
In the update of Telegram 4.5.0, we see a change in the type of search and search. Using the new algorithms added in the Telegram search section, we can achieve much faster and more efficiently the channels and robots that we are looking for.
Possibility to populate messages on the channel
In the previous update of the telegram, we saw the addition of an option called Pin messages that we could use to mark and pin a message in the sub-groups so that all members of the group would notice the relevant message. The good news is that in the upgrade of Telegram 4.5.0, this feature is also added to the channels, and the saddle can then be popped up on the channel that you manage as well.
Examples of pinned messages in the Telegram
Supports zip files
In the update to the Telegram, we are introducing a new feature that lets you programmatically open zip files and folders. In the past, to open files that were compressed in the telegram environment, we needed to go through an interface program, such as a file manager. But in the latest update and update of the telegram, we are witnessing the addition of features that can be used to easily unzip and compress Zip files without using an intermediary program using its own telegram.
Download Telegram 4.5.0
Those interested in receiving the latest version of the Telegram can download the latest Telegram updates via the link provided below, and use the update on their iPhone or Android device.
Download new Telegram for Android