In the latest update of the telegram, we see one of the biggest and most practical changes to this messaging app. In the latest policy that designers and the telegram development team have been working on, the goal is to reduce the need for people to use informal versions of the Telegram and thereby more secure the users. As a result, the app’s side-effects and functionality have gradually been added, and the key features that forcing users to use an unofficial version of the telegram, are included in the core version of the Telegram. In the latest update of Telegram 4.7 , one of the most functional features has been added to this messenger application. If you are currently download the 4.7 update via the link at the bottom of the this text, you will be able to create several accounts with several numbers in one application, without having to log out and logging in with a new number and switch between your user accounts. In the following, we intend to provide a link to download Telegram 4.7 update for this feature and show to users how can create several user accounts on one Telegram application.
Telegram 4.7 New Features
As noted above, in the new update of the Telegram, a very high-key feature has been added that greatly reduces the need for using unofficial versions of the telegram to manage and switch between accounts. Until now, if the user wanted to have several user accounts in the Telegram, he would have to use the beta-version of Telegram, or using unofficial Telegram versions, such as Mobogram, Telegram Plus or other examples, or In general, it should carry several phones that have a Telegram application. But if one does not want to use unofficial versions or can not use multiple phones at the same time, the only way he remains is to install a telegram, and each time, to switch between accounts, log out of the current account and login to another account, which will need to process the authentication process again.
In the update of Telegram 4.7 , this problem has been completely solved, and users can now switch out of their Telegram user accounts without the need log out and login, easily switching between their different user accounts with different numbers, and manage several accounts with a phone and with one Telegram application without the need to install several Telegrams. Learn how to create several accounts in the Telegram 4.7 in the next section.
In addition to the ability to create and manage multiple accounts, another key feature is also included in the new update of Telegram 4.7 . This feature is very functional in responding to messages and improves the speed of doing so. Previously and in previous versions of the Telegram, to reply to a specific message on the chat screen, you should tap on the message and then select “Reply” from the options displayed. But in Telegram 4.7 , this is possible without the need to do this. To reply a specific message on the chat screen, just put your finger on the message and swipe left. This will make the message selected for the reply, and as a result, our speed is great for responding to messages.
In the update of Telegram 4.7 , there is no need to have several unofficial versions of the telegram, for having several accounts!
How To Create Several User Accounts On Telegram 4.7
To create several accounts and manage them, you first need to transfer your telegram version to the latest version, ie, Telegram 4.7 . You can do this by following the link provided below. After updating your Telegram to the latest version, open it now and follow the steps below and the image shown below.
- Open the “Option” menu via the icon that is similar to the three lines parallel to the top and left of the screen.
- In the section where your username and number are written, there is an option in the form of a small arrow to touch it.
- Now you can enter your new number via the Add Account option and create your new account after receiving confirmation and completion of the authentication process.
- To switch between your accounts, you can also use step 2 to go to your existing account area and select one of your accounts to enter it and view the messages and channels associated with that account.
How to create a new account in Telegram 4.7 new update feature
Download Telegram 4.7
The enthusiasts can download the Telegram via the link below to the main page, in addition to the latest Telegram version, which is the latest update of the Telegram 4.7 to older versions if desired. You can also access the latest Telegram Desktop via the page. You can download all the new Telegram versions for Android, iPhone, Windows, Linux and Mac.