If you’ve been following our past content on how to create Telegram channel and its applications, you’ll find out about the importance of creating Telegram’s Channel to boost your business or creating a new business. But the creation of the channel alone will not be able to achieve your goals. What is important in this discussion is how to manage and maintain the channel and its members. This is simply not feasible and requires much knowledge in the fields of sociology as well as work with Telegram and its bots. In this section, we will introduce methods to simplify the Telegram channel management and provide tutorials on optimal channel management.
Telegram channel management
The first thing that we will deal with in the Telegram channel management , is how to create content in our Telegram channel. The discussion of producing proper content in the channel, is the most important Telegram channel management tip. Because almost all of the channel’s audiences have become channel members due to their content, and if the channel content is not so attractive, it will soon be likely to leave your channel. content creation on a channel is exactly like posting a post in a private chat or a group.
To create content on the channel, just open your channel and start writing your favorite text in the text box at the bottom of the page, or upload your favorite images or videos. Only one option is added when sending a post in the channel and in the same box as the bottom is similar to a ringtone. If you touch this option and turn it off, your post will be muted and muted for members of the channel.
But apart from discussing how to post content on the channel, if you click on your channel profile, in addition to the usual options in the Telegram profiles, there is another option called Manage Channel, which has an icon similar to the gear in the upper right of the page. In the next section, we will explain these.
How to enter the channel management section
Channel information management
In the Telegram channel management section, the first option we deal with is “Channel info“. In this section, we can change the name of our channel or change it from public to private. You can also customize your channel link in this section. One of the other options in this section is the ability to enable administrator names for posts. By turning on the “Sign Messages” option, any content on your channel will be named as its administrator. The last option on this page, marked red, is the “Delete Channel” option, which as its name implies, will be erased your channel forever.
Channel information management
Check the latest activities in channel management
Another option in the Telegram channel management page is the “Recent Actions“, which will be able to alert you from latest activities on your channel. By choosing this option, you can see the latest activity that happened on your channel by time. When you click on this option, your channel page is displayed, and at the bottom of the page you’ll see “Settings”. If you click on this option, you will see a set of filters that you can select, each of which can exactly show the activities related to the selected theme. This menu includes the following options:
- All Actions : Show all 48 hours past activities
- New Admins : Show the latest managers
- New Members : Show all who have been subscribed in the channel in last 48 hours
- Channel info : Show all of the channel changes in last 48 hours
- Delete Messages : Show all messages that have been deleted from the channel
- Edited Messages : Show all messages that have been edited in the channel
- Leaving Members : Show who has been leave the channel in last 48 hours
- All Admins : show activities for all admins by selecting any of the channel admins
View the latest activities in channel
Manage channel administrators
The last section of the Telegram channel management is related to the management of administrators and their access controls. This option is available on the “Administrators” option and by selecting it you will be directed to a page where you can see all your channel administrators. If you have not yet chosen another manager for your channel, you can add the channel manager as you wish through the “Add Administrator” button at the top of this page. Remember that in order to select a channel manager and give him access control, first of all, the chosen person for manage must be a subscribe of your channel. After doing this, you can select the individual as the channel manager through the “Add Administrator” option.
Once you select one of the channel members as the channel manager, a page will be displayed for you in which you will see a number of management options. By choosing any of these levels of permissions, permission to conduct a type of channel management activity, is given to the selected person. These options include:
- Change Channel Info
- Post Messages
- Edit Messages of Others
- Delete Messages of Others
- Add Users
- Add New Admins
Administrators management
After selecting the desired access level for new managers, you can save your activities and return to the first page by touching the button at the top of the page. Now you can manage your channel and channel members, without the need for a specific application or a Telegram bot, which is very simple and fast. The correct Telegram channel management will attract your audience and increase your channel traffic, and in the future we will introduce more and more interesting ways to manage channel and related bots, which will be very functional.