YouTube is one of the largest and most popular social networking sites for sharing video and video, with users having more than 1 billion different users. However, one of the special features of this social network is that it can not be used to download videos that others have shared, and should use other methods for this. In the past, in terms of downloading videos from YouTube, we mentioned topics that included a variety of methods. In this article, we are going to talk about one of the downloading methods from YouTube, called Telegram video bot, which lets you download YouTube videos with high quality and size through the Telegram messenger.
Downloading video from Telegram video bot
The @YoutubeConvertBot bot is able to edit your video in a telegram chat window, modify the format, and send it to you using the video link on youtube. By using the YoutubeConvertBot video download robot, you can easily download your favorite videos from YouTube without the need to install a separate application on your mobile phone or system. In addition, one of the possibilities that a robot downloads the movie from YouTube is to be able to convert it to various formats and sizes before downloading the corresponding movie to help you save on the Internet. Save
To work with this Telegram video bot, just follow the screenshots below and follow one by one, so you can easily get this robot to download your favorite videos and videos on YouTube. It should be noted that in order to work with the robot, downloading the video from YouTube, you first need to find the movie on the main YouTube website and then copy the link so you can enter the robot with the chat page. It should be noted that this robot also has the ability to support English language, which is very practical.
Steps to download videos from youtube using the robot
To work with this Telegram video bot, download videos from @YoutubeConvertBot, you can go through the link or enter the robot id in the search bar of the telegram, as shown below. Once the bot has downloaded the video from YouTube, go to the chat page with the robot and click Start / Click.
در اولین مرحله روی گزینه استارت کلیک نمایید.
After you start the conversation with the robot, you can choose the language you want by clicking on /lang or by typing the phrase in the relevant part and pressing the enter key that we set in the English language.
ابتدا زبان خود را انتخاب کنید
Once you have chosen the language, it’s now time to enter your link on the chat page. After entering the link, the menu will show you the type of video you select, so you can select the format and size you want, and even convert the video to an MP3 audio file. Using this trick, you can save you money on your Internet connection.
لینک ویدیو را وارد کرده و اینتر کنید
Once you have selected the format you want, the robot downloads the video from YouTube and starts downloading the file in the selected format. After the end of the work, a message will be displayed as shown below, which you can submit to the telegram using the upload option to the telegram.
After completing this step, your video is sent to you in the format you want and you can download it easily and enjoy it. In the end, we also invite loved ones to introduce if you know the robots in this or any related and applicable field, so that others can also benefit from it.