A little time ago, we released a story about the Telegram X and its capabilities and why it was welcomed. As mentioned in that article, the Telegram X is in fact the second version of the official Telegram, which has a number of additional features and is approved by the official Telegram website. Telegram X is a faster and more customizable version of the Telegram, which is very popular, and it can be used instead of unofficial and unsafe versions of Telegram to be safe. In what follows, we are going to talk more about the Telegram X security issues and whether it really has the necessary security factors and approval of the official Telegram or not.
What is the Telegram X ?
As mentioned above and probably you heard about it, the Telegram X is an official version of the Telegram, which has a number of additional side features and, in some circumstances, more customized. Unofficial Telegram apps have not been approved by the official Telegram website and have repeatedly been heard in tweets by Pavel Durov, who has always emphasized the lack of use of unofficial Telegrams, and these versions has not been approved. But this time in an unusual event, we see that the Telegram X, that was an unofficial version of the Telegram (in fact, it’s name was Challegram), is officially approved and, as you can see in the picture below, is introduced by the official Telegram blog.
The Telegram X security is approved by Telegram website
The main feature of the Telegram X, which has made some users prefer to use it instead of the original Telegram, is a higher speed in loading images and animations. This feature can give the user a sense that the speed of the Telegram X is much higher than the original Telegram, and also has a smoother performance. Customization capabilities are also greater in Telegram X so the user can access more settings related to the user interface, such as use of Internet data and change some default settings.
The Telegram X is actually an upgraded version of Challegram, a trial version for iOS only. With some changes, this version also provided the Android version of its trial version and will also be able to release compatible versions for other operating systems. By making such changes, Telegram Policies proceeded to introduce the Telegram X as the second version of official Telegram and launch it as an upgraded and customized version of the original Telegram.
The Telegram X security
According to a blog post on the official Telegram website in relation with the Telegram X, it can be seen that the Telegram X is actually a customized program than original Telegram and is accepted as an official version. Telegram X can no longer be introduced as the unofficial version of Telegram and this ` This version, in fact, is a certified and official version of the Telegram that has more features, especially in terms of speed and quality. According to the Telegram, the Telegram X is fully based on a new coding, and this has made it more efficient in some cases than the original version.
Screenshots of the Telegram X in the night mode
Informal versions of the Telegram, often cause trouble for users, including the involvement in particular channel membership, the huge display of advertisements, the compulsory membership on some channels, the disturbance in channel content submission and so on. And most importantly, the lack of approval by the official Telegram website and the uncertainty as to the level of security they had, made users look at these programs as unsafe applications. but Telegram X security is approved by Telegram website itself.
With the official release of Telegram X and the emphasis on the fact that this version is approved and in terms of information security of users in the same category as the main Telegram, it will make users more optimistic about this version of the app. For the simultaneous use of two Telegrams on one phone, instead of using unofficial versions, you can use the official version of Telegram X. The enthusiasts can click on the link below for more information about Telegram X, as well as downloading Telegram X via download links or download it from Google Play.