As you probably know, the Telegram X is an official version of the main Telegram application, with its unique features and in addition to the old Telegram features. The app, introduced for the first time in January by Telegram’s main blog, is a Telegram-based messaging app that can provide a number of additional features on Telegram main features by Telegram API. The faster speed, the ability to read messages without opening the message and optimizing the messaging system were among the most important changes that Telegram X provided for its users. But in the latest update of the new Telegram X Update , a number of other features have been added, which we will introduce and review each of them.
Telegram X Update New Features
As mentioned, in the new Telegram X update , we see a number of changes and adding new features that will make the application more useful to users than ever before. The ability to manage multiple accounts, Live Location, and the ability to view images and stickers in the notifications bar, is a number of the most important features added to the latest Telegram X update . We will discuss at some of these new Telegram X features together.
Manage Multiple Accounts
The main feature that has long been added in the original Telegram app, but has not yet been added to the Telegram X, is the ability to add and manage multiple Telegram accounts in app, that has been added to the new update of Telegram X. Now, users can easily manage their multiple Telegram accounts through one application using this feature.
In-app Map View
Other feature added in the original Telegram, but not in the Telegram X, is the use of an in-app map. This feature is also included in the Telegram X update so users will be able to open the map and view the location they have received, without having to open the map applications such as sygic or google maps in their phones.
Send Live Location
Telegram Live Location is an feature which you can see the geographical position of people in real time. By using this feature, you will be able to send your location only once, and the location that you send, will move by your moving. With this option you dont have to send a location for every movement.
Emoji Tones
With this feature that included in the Telegram X, you can now by the holding touch on one emoji, select a different color for each emoji, and by swiping it to up, enable the selected tone for all the emojies.
Changing in Animations
In the Telegram X new version, we can see more and more beautiful animations. As well as the “Is Typing” and “Upload” animations have been modified.
Reorder Pinned Messages
In this version, users can move or reorder pinned messages on chat screen, only by holding touch on them.
Image Preview in Notifications
One of the major changes introduced in the new Telegram X update is the ability to preview the photos and stickers received, in the notification bar. In this version, user is able to preview the image or sticker content from the notification bar, when receive a sticker or photo on the Telegram X, without having to open the Telegram or open the message.
Other Features
Some of the other features added in the new update of Telegram X are:
- Ability to unpin massages only for admins
- View profile photo directly without having to go to profile page
- Added “Recent Actions” section
- Added more themes
- Go to the first message of the day by touching the floating date
- Preview Stickers and Gifs before sending
- Show the numbers as hyperlinks and click on them
Download Latest Telegram X Update
Enthusiasts to download the latest version of the Telegram X and updating their app, can open the Telegram X Download page by link below, and on that page get the latest version of this app, and depending on the type of their device (Android or iOS) download and install Telegram X.