One of the problems that may have been encountered by some Instagram users is the inability to unblock those who have blocked in the past. This problem occurs when you block someone on Instagram and he/she has also block you. In this way, you can not reach his/her user profile, nor can he/she reach yours, so that you can not use unblock option to see his/her profile and even chat with him/her. In what follows, we intend to show you a way to fix this problem and so you can unblock someone who has blocked you on Instagram.
Unblock someone who has blocked you
As noted above, if you block someone on the Instagram and that person blocks you, a two-sided block will be created on the Instagram, which means that you will not be able to see the blocked user profile. Also he/she will not be able to see your user profile. Normally, if we block someone on the Instagram, we can simply refer to its profile and then select the “Unblock” option to exit that person from the block. Even in the Instagram settings, there is a section to view blocked people that lets you view the username of all the people we’ve blocked, and remove any one that you want from the list.
In the this block mode, it’s not possible to see the blocked user profile, and even his username does not appear in the blocked list on Instagram settings, so you can not unblock someone who has blocked you on Instagram. Therefore, when a two-sided block is created on the Instagram, it is very difficult to fix it and may not even be possible. But there are innovative ways to do this, which has been answered by some users so far. But it’s not quite a hundred percent, and it’s not possible to say that these methods work well for all users. In the following, we will explain one of the more commonly used way to unblock someone who has blocked you, that have already had a lot of positive feedback from users.
Unblock steps
For unblock someone on Instagram even if they blocked you, do the following steps:
- Open the Instagram “home page” and enter the Instagram chats section by touching “Direct“.
- Tap on the “+” option at the top of the page.
Go to the direct chat on Instagram
- In the search box, type your Instagram username. Then choose your own profile. (Send message to yourself)
- In the “Write a message” section, type the username of the person you are trying to unblock with a “@” sign. (Note that the username is fully and correctly. for example, SFP@)
- Tap the “Send” button
mention the blocked username
- Now, in the message you sent to yourself, tap on the mentioned username.
- Select the menu option that has been displayed with three dots in the profile.
- Select the “Unblock“ option to unblock the person.
So, very likely, you will be able to fix the two-sided Instagram block problem and you can see the profile of the person you want to unblock once again. Of course, if the above method is not work for you, you can try other methods as well. It should be noted that in this way, if the person who has blocked you has changed his ID, his profile can no longer be accessed through mention.
If Instagram has been reported and blocked you due to sending a lot of follow request or likes or even other factors, then there is also a solution to unblock yourself on Instagram that you can read through the marked link.